About This Blog
I will use 3 languages, namely Chinese(zh), Japanese(jp) and English(en) to write this blog whenever it make sense. Chinese has both traditional(zh) simplified(zhs) version, and I will always write as the traditional version first and then translate it into simplified version by using OpenCC automatically.
My Name is YANG Jiachen(楊嘉晨)
born in June 1989
I am currently pursuing PhD degree in
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
Osaka University (http://sdl.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/)
I graduated from
School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
F0703701 (http://se.sjtu.edu.cn/)
You can contact me by:
Mobile phone(softbank): 080-3853-2770
Email of mobile phone: [email protected]
Or you can find me on Internet:
Skype: farseerfc
GMail: [email protected]
twitter: http://twitter.com/farseerfc
Github: https://github.com/farseerfc
weibo(微博): http://weibo.com/farseerfc
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/farseerfc
telegram: http://telegram.me/farseerfc
tox: https://toxme.se/u/farseerfc
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